
martedì 3 settembre 2013

#7 - First Day of School

Well, finally the First Day of School at Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School (or ACRSS) is arrived: today it was my first day in a Canadian school at is was good.
It started very bad, because I woke up at 8.00 and it was raining a lot. After breakfast, under the water, I walked and I run to take the bus. I arrived to school at about 9.30 and a group of ACRSS' students showed me and other new or international students the biulding. At 11.00 we had lunch at McDonald and then, at 12.30, I met my English as Second Language (or ESL)' teacher, Mrs Lorezca, and one of my tutor, Chiara.
At 12.45 we had a School Assembly with the Principal, and then everyone went to his/her Homeroom's class and Mr. Nolet gave un our Agenda and other sheets and stuff.
I've already checked with Franca these sheets, and we are surprised reading the Daily Timetable, because it says that school (the first block lesson) starts at 7.10! AND THIS IS CRAZY! I can't go to school at 7 A.M.

e poi... oggi sono riuscita a sentire mamma e papà!!!!! come sono felice! era da quando li ho lasciati all'aeroporto che ci scambiavamo solo qualche messaggio.. abbiamo chiacchierato per 2 ore! <3 <3

2 commenti:

  1. Sììì ... due ore stupende, intense ed emozionanti di chiacchiere "cuore a cuore" nella notte chierese <3
    E' stata una gioia - e anche un sollievo ;) - vederti così raggiante ed entusiasta (e bellissima nella tua divisa scolastica, of course !).
    La benedizione della Madonna unita a quella di mamma e papà ti accompagni in questi giorni.
    With love <3 <3
